This stage in Alex's life is fun {mostly}. He's starting to use more words and definitely understands us more. It actually amazes me how he can have such a limited vocabulary, but we can speak full adult sentences to him and he knows exactly what we mean. "Alex, go throw this in the trash". "Alex, please bring Mommy the wipes". "Alex, take a bite of your sandwich." "Alex, please come close this door."
He hasn't, however, quite mastered the art of putting together simple words, unless he learned them together such as, "See you!" "more please" or "bye-bye". If we ask him to say "I love you, Mama!" it comes out more like "Ma maaaa, Mama!" This morning, he did actually say "bye, Dada" so I think he's getting there.
He does say quite a lot of words fairly well: apple, Angus, Roxie, shoes, socks, horse, cat, dog, hair, nose, eye, HI! {to everybody!!}, tree, cup, juice, cow {loves cows....he may have been a little brainwashed}, Elmo, please, thank you, excuse me, hammer, truck, Papa, Mimi, fish, bird, duck, NO NO NO NO NO!!! etc.
Like every kid {I'm sure} there are some words he doesn't really say, but I know what he means. Such as:
pie-yo = potty
ah woff = waffle
I yi yi yi yi yi yi = Levi
awe noos = orange
uh fow wow = pacifier
my nuh = bunny {not to be confused with...}
my NO = Nemo
deet or ah-deet = blanket
kay tay = Kierstyn {his betrothed}
Since I spend all day conversing with the child, I find myself having to interpret for Aaron. I guess Alex has taught us a thing or two, since we both now call the youngest child I yi yi yi yi yi on a regular basis. I may have even asked Aaron not to hog the deet a couple of times. Totally normal, right? fun to know his vocabulary!! I loved reading through the list of words all his own!
ReplyDeleteWhen Davey was that age he invented MOST of his own words, and Josh was interpreting for ME most of the time. I'm convinced it was simply his non-conformist personality. He would have prefered the rest of the world learn his language instead of having to adapt to our lousy English.